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How much privacy do we receive on social media?

Users of the internet know that they’re being tracked by the platforms they use — most notably by Google and Facebook. Although users have some understanding, they do not realize just...

By Deetya Adikhari In Opinion Aug 25, 2021

NFTs : The future of digital art

NFTS (Non-Fungible Tokens) are digital tokens which validate the ownership and authenticity of a virtual file. This media can be anything from a single lettered text to complex and in...

By Maitreyee Malla In Art Aug 25, 2021

Enbridge’s Line 3 Pipeline

In March of 1991, an unusual sight could be seen on the frozen Prairie river in Minnesota: pools of oil flowing down the ice and seeping into the river. This was Enbridge’s Line 3 spi...

By Ketevan Gallagher In Current Events Aug 25, 2021

Andrew Cuomo’s Sexual Assault Allegations and Resignation

On August 10, 2021, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigned from public office after an investigation conducted by the Attorney General of New York which had found that he had sexuall...

By Andrew Daly In Current Events Aug 25, 2021

Climate Change

“Climate change is no longer some far-off problem; it is happening here; it is happening now.” - Barack Obama

By Paleesa Kapoor In Spotlight Aug 25, 2021

Black Women In Sports

Black women have shown their strength, resilience, and brilliance in every aspect of life they’ve chosen to participate in. Sports are no exception but with black women’s show of grea...

By Afomia Ashebir Mekonnen In Opinion Aug 25, 2021

Police Unions: Labor Above Law

In 2007, Oakland Police Officer Hector Jimenez fatally shot an unarmed 20-year-old man. 7 months later, he killed another unarmed man, shooting him three times in the back. Jimenez wa...

By Vijay Fisch In Opinion Jul 31, 2021


Every ten years, the United States holds a census, which counts the amount of people that live in the US, among other information such as where they live. One of the most important th...

By Ketevan Gallagher In Opinion Jul 31, 2021

Delta Variant

The world is now facing another strain or variant of COVID-19, known as the Delta variant. The Delta variant originated in India in December 2020 and is now spreading world wide after...

By Tara Vidyababu In Current Events Jul 31, 2021

Black Women at the Olympics

The Olympics have been in the news recently, but not because of the world-class athletes participating. Several organizations related to the Olympic Games have come under fire for act...

By Andrew Daly In Current Events Jul 31, 2021