Rachel Lewis
Spotlight Editor
Rachel (she/her) is the Spotlight Editor for We Need to Talk. She's 16 years old and attends high school on the East Coast of the United States. In her free time, Rachel loves to read, swim, listen to music, doodle, laugh with friends, and watch Netflix. After becoming passionate about journalism through her school, Rachel joined We Need to Talk to learn and share the stories of social justice activists and the issues they fight for.
Posts by Rachel Lewis
Chinese activist Ou Hongyi strikes for climate in the country that emits the most greenhouse gases
Caption: Ou Hongyi sits on the steps of a fountain in Lausanne, Switzerland, on Apr. 19 to protest the criminal charges she and other protestors received for trying to prevent the Mor...
By Rachel Lewis In Spotlight Jul 29, 2021Zero Hour's youth advocates urge policy makers to act before time is up
After three devastating hurricanes (Harvey, Irma, and Maria) flooded homes and destroyed roads in countries around the Caribbean Sea in the summer of 2017, 14-year-old Jamie Margolin ...
By Rachel Lewis In Spotlight Mar 18, 2021Poetry As A Force To Move Forward
“When day comes we ask ourselves / where can we find light in this never-ending shade?” she asked, looking upon the physically distanced crowd in front of the United States Capitol on...
By Rachel Lewis In Spotlight Feb 26, 2021Zuriel Oduwole
In 2012, a nine-year-old girl named Zuriel Oduwole submitted a short documentary to a national filmmaking competition. A decade later, now an adult, Oduwole has been listed as an infl...
By Rachel Lewis In Spotlight Jan 31, 2021Teens Take Charge - literally - in the fight for equity in New York City schools
Standing at a booth at the annual New York City (NYC) high school fair for middle schoolers from the Bronx, Nina Worley and a friend were surprised by the amount and type of questions...
By Rachel Lewis In Spotlight Dec 30, 2020